Vestnik SSUGT. Vol 24, No. 4, 2019

Vestnik SSUGT. Vol 24, No. 4, 2019


T. Yu. Bugakova
Complex Algorithm for Determining the Spatio-Temporal State of Technological Systems from Geodetic Data

A. I. Kalenizkiy, A. N. Solowitskiy
About the Methodological Aspect of Geodetic Moni-toring of the Stress-Strain State of the Earth’s Crust under the Development of the Kuzbass Subsurface

A. P. Karpik, N. S. Kosarev, K. M. Antonovich, A. P. Reshetov, A. V. Ustinov
Method of Metrological Inspection of GNSS Re-ceivers of a High-Connector Heps Monitoring System

Yu. V. Stolbov, S. Yu. Stolbova, L. A. Proninа, N. A. Parkhomenko
Study of the Accuracy Determination of the Elevations of the Linear Structure Using Different Geodetic Instruments


M. A. Altyntsev, M. M. Shlyahova
Investigation of Statistical Properties of Spectral Characteristics of Vegetation. Non-Parametric Approach

A. V. Komissarov, E. I. Avrunev, Kh. K. Yambaev, E. P. Khlebnikova
Comparison of Accuracy Determination of Bulk Material Pile Volumes Based on Pictures from Unmanned Aircraft and Geo-Design Measurements

V. V. Krylenko, M. V. Krylenko, A. A. Aleynikov
Length Coastline Specification of the Azov Sea Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data

M. V. Yakutin, A. G. Sharykalov
Ecological Situation on the Territory of Muravlenko Oil Field (Western Siberia, YNAO) Based on Remote Sensing Data


P. Yu. Bugakov, A. A. Kolesnikov
Analysis of Functional Capabilities of Office Applications for Visualization and Evaluation of Geodata

I. A. Knol’
Geomonitoring of Technogenic Objects Using Robotechnics on the Basis of Multiagent System Theory

O. N. Nikolaeva, L. K. Trubina, P. I. Mullayarova, V. I. Tatarenko
Digital Cartography Support for Green Plants Management of the City

L. A. Plastinin, V. P. Stupin, B. N. Olzoev, N. V. Kotelnikova, M. B. Seleznev
Problems and Programs of Their Solution when Creating Digital Specialized Topographic Maps of the Siberian Arctic

P. Yu. Saveleva
Mapping of the Geomorphological Structure of the Upper Reaches of the Chagan-Uzun River (South-Eastern Altai)

A. V. Shevin
Draft Model Methodology for Creating Regional Geoportal

S. S. Yankelevich, Ye. S. Antonov
Concept of a New Kind of Knowledge-Based Maps


E. I. Avrunev, V. V. Vylegzhanina, I. A. Ginijatov, V. G. Kolmogorov, Kh. K. Jambaev
Improvement of Analytical Method for Land Parcel Boundaries Calculation

A. P. Belousova
Application of Vegetation Indexes in the Analysis of Arable Land Use (on the Example of Uinsky District of Perm Krai)

D. N. Vetoshkin, E. S. Stegnienko, A. V. Chernov
Improvement of Mechanisms of Information Interaction in the Process of Administration of Taxes on Real Estate Property

A. P. Karpik, V. B. Zharnikov, Yu. S. Larionov
Rational Land Use in the System of Modern Spatial Development of the Country, Its Basic Principles and Mechanisms

E. A. Kolomak
Spatial Development of Siberia in Post-Soviet Period

Yu. V. Kravtsov, K. S. Baikov, S. V. Solovev, E. V. Baikova
Identification of Baraba Regional Clusters (Western Siberia) on the Basis of Soil Spectra

V. A. Kryukov, Ya. V. Kryukov
Organizational and Economic Features of the Arctic Projects in the Context of the Assets Specificity

D. V. Parkhomenko, I. V. Parkhomenko
About the Control and Geodetic Expert Evidence Methods of Land Survey Plan Actuality

D. V. Parkhomenko, E. A. Predtechynskaya
Technical and Legal Aspects of Judicial Expertise Regarding Easements


V. A. Litovchenko, N. V. Zarzhetskaya
Overview of Methods for Measuring S-parameters of Microwave Transistors in Big Signal Mode