About the publishing office
Registration certificate PI № FS 77-62654
from 10.08.2015.
ISSN 2411-1759
The journal is published 6 times a year.
The journal is included in the following edition databases:
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
- «Russian Science Citation Index» (RSCI)
- SEL «CyberLeninka»
Subscription indexes are in catalogues:
- «Press of Russia» – 43809
- Internet catalog «Press of Russia» — 43809

Reviewed scientific journal «Vestnik of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGT)» was founded in 1996 and enhances research and innovative activity of the University, integration of high school and academic science.
The journal “Vestnik of SSUGT” publishes original theoretic, scientific and practical results of researches presented in Russian and English languages (title, author’s information, abstract, and key words).
The founder and publisher of the journal is the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGT).
Editor-in-chief of the journal is Professor, Eng. Dr. Alexander P. Karpik, Honoured Worker of Higher School of Russia, Rector of the University.
Mission of the journal is to develop and actualize scientific and communicatory space of geodetic and a number of interdisciplinary sciences (remote sensing, cartography, informatics, cadastre, etc.) on the basis of researches of the Siberian scientific school, scientists of SSUGT, domestic and foreign partners of the University.
Before 2015 journal was published under the name «Vestnik SSGA».