Vestnik SSUGT. Vol 25, No. 4, 2020

Vestnik SSUGT. Vol 25, No. 4, 2020


E. G. Gienko, S. A. Parshikov, E. A. Bubir
Sanctuary “Temple of Time” in Northern Khakas-sia: Modeling Light-And-Shadow Picture

R. P. Gorbulin, A. I. Uvarov
Normalization of Accuracy of Geodesic Measurements and Construction and Installation Works when Establishing Steel Reservoirs under Oil Products

N. T. Kemerbayev
Geodetic Information in Automated System of Technical Support and Maintenance

I. Yu. Lakeev
Study of Spatial Distribution of Earth Gravitational Field by Spectral Window Limiting Method

Habib Mazen Hatoum, M. G. Mustafin
Methodology for Designing and Evaluating Results of Geodesic Observations of Engineering Structures Using the Least Square Method


M. A. Altyntsev, P. A. Karpik
Creating Metric Simulated Model of a “Digital Twin” by the Active Earth Remote Sensing Method

S. A. Arbuzov, E. P. Khlebnikova, V. N. Nikitin
Automated Identification and Determination of the Breed Composition of Wood by Materials of Digital Multispectral Aerial Survey of Forests

V. V. Dedkova, A. V. Komissarov
Analysis of Methods and Means of Control of Main Pipelines’ Protective Structures

D. V. Dolgopolov
Possibilities of Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Control Compliance of Construction Results of Pipeline Transport Facilities with Design Solutions

A. V. Komissarov, M. M. Shlyahova, M. A. Altyntsev, E. N. Kulik
Criteria for Protective Construction Monitoring of Main Pipelines


I. A. Anikeeva
Factors, Criteria and Requirements for Fine Quality of Aerial Imagery, Obtained for Mapping Purposes

A. P. Karpik, D. V. Lisitsky, A. G. Osipov, V. N. Savinykh
Geoinformational-Cognitive Representation of Territorial Resources

A. A. Kolesnikov, D. V. Grishchenko
Possibilities of Using Web-Technologies for Visualization of Data of Active Methods of Remote Sensing

L. K. Radchenko
Cognitive Aspect in Cartography

L. K. Trubina, O. N. Nikolaeva, Y. I. Baranova
The Usage of Online Map Services in Expanding of Professional Skills when Training in Earth Science


E. I. Avrunev, A. I. Giniyatov
Conceptual Approach to Geodetic Support for 3d Cadastre

T. T. Gorbacheva, L. A. Ivanova, A. V. Rumyantseva, V. V. Maksimova
Increasing the Biogenicity of Technical Soils when Creating Vegetation Cover as a Method of Conservation Tailing Dumps for Mining Waste

A. Y. Melnichuk, O. V. Zakalichnaya
Evaluation of Ecological Stability of the Territory of Simferopol District of the Republic of Crimea

D. V. Parkhomenko, A. V. Chernov, I. V. Parkhomenko
Use of Gis Possibilities for Creation of Network Protection Zones

T. A. Sokolova, V. N. Moskvin
Correcting the State Cadastral Assessment Results of Local Residential Lands


A. V. Laptev, G. V. Kuptsov, V. A. Petrov, V. V. Petrov
Astigmatism Compensation in Block of Temporal Broadening of Pulse for Pump Channel of High Power Laser System

T. N. Khatsevich, E. V. Druzhkin, K. D. Volkova
Handheld Thermal Vision Devices with Variable Characteristics


N. A. Vikhareva
Metrological Support Means of Measurements of Q Factor and Inductivity

S. V. Savelkaev
Universal Coaxial-Stripline and Probe Test Fixtures and Their Calibration Methods

V. M. Thyssen, A. A. Tolstikov, G. V. Simonova
Prediction of Earth Rotation Parameters with Using Adaptive Harmonic Patterns