Vestnik SSUGT. Vol 25, No. 3, 2020

Vestnik SSUGT. Vol 25, No. 3, 2020


A. G. Barliani, G. A. Nefedova, I. V. Karnetova
Optimization Method and Geodesic Equation Calculations

I. G. Ganagina, D. S. Chelnokova, D. N. Goldobin
Creation of a Quasigeoid Model on a Local Section by Gis Means

A. V. Elagin, M. V. Zaitsev, D. A. Prokhorov, N. K. Shendrik
Estimation of Coordinates Accuracy Determination by Eft M3 Gnss And Eft M4 Gnss Satellite Receivers In Rtk Mode

V. V. Kalinnikov, A. V. Ustinov, N. S. Kosarev
Impact of Atmospheric Loadings on the Results of Gnss Monitoring of Main Building Of Zagorskaya Pspp-2 By Ppp Method

N. V. Kanashin, D. A. Afonin
Geodetic Monitoring During the Operation the Football Stadiums of The World Championship 2018

N. N. Kobeleva, V. S. Khoroshilov
Analysis of Input Influencing Factors And Selection of the Type of a Mathematical Model At the Stages of Their Structural And Parametric Identification for Studying Deformation State of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hpp Dam in 2013-2016

V. G. Salnikov
Improvement of High-Precision Levelling Method By Digital Levels in the Condition of Non-Sufficient Light Intensity of Lined Rod

V. E. Tereshchenko
Quality Analysis of GNSS Observations of Reference Stations Network with the Teqc Utility

V. E. Tereshchenko, A. V. Radchenko, V. A. Melkiy
Global Reference System and Its Local Realization – Russian State Coordinate System GSK-2011

A. I. Uvarov, L. A. Pronina
Research of Technologies of Geodesic Monitoring of Bottom Deformations in the Area of Location of Underwater Transitions of Main Pipelines

A. A. Sholomitskii, B. N. Akhmedov
Geodesic Monitoring of Large-Span Constructions with Spatial Metal Structure

V. V. Shcherbakov
Method of Creating Digital Projects for Automated Control Systems of Construction Railway Engineering


A. A. Verkhoturov
Analysis of Changes in the State of Ecosystems on Atlasova Island (Kuril Islands)

D. V. Dolgopolov
Use of Earth Remote Sensing Data for for mation of Geodata Space of Pipeline Transport

A. S. Zaripov
Creating A Three-Dimensional Digital Surface Model of the Central Planning District of Perm Based on Aerial Survey Data

V. V. Krylenko, M. V. Krylenko
Coastal Monitoring of the Verbyanaya Spit by Satellite Data


A. P. Mokhirev, S. Yu. Re-zinkin, S. O. Medvedev, N. A. Bragina
Use of Geographic Information Systems in the Evaluation of the Density of Roads of for Estry Areas

O. N. Nikolaeva, G. P. Martynov, A. V. Mogil’nikova
The Cartographic Technique for the Study of Chemical Composition of the Urban Air Environment

A. V. Tarasov
Traditional and Modern Methods of Satellite Images Processing for Operational Mapping of for Est Cover Distubances


V. F. Kovyazin, Dang Thi Lan Anh, Dang Viet Hung
Predicting for Est Land Cover Changes of Dong Nai Reserve, Vietnam

E. V. Kotsur, A. V. Dubrovsky
Information Support for Measures for Recreation and Improvement of Agricultural Landscapes Usage

Yu. S. Larionov, V. B. Zharnikov, A. A. Stukanov
Formation of Rational Agricultural Land use Sys-tem on the Basis of Soil Fertility Recreation Theory