Accordance of journal categories with scientific specialties

Accordance of journal categories with scientific specialties

Compliance of the categories of reviewed scientific journal

«Vestnik SGUGiT» with the nomenclature of scientific specialties, on which scientific degrees are awarded

Category/part name of reviewed scientific publication Branches of science and/or scientific specialty groups complying with the nomenclature of scientific specialties, on which scientific degrees are awarded
1 Geodesy and mine surveying 1.6.22. Geodesy (technical sciences)
2.8.3. Mining and oil and gas geology, geophysics, mine surveying and subsoil geometry (technical sciences)
2 Remote sensing of the Earth, photogrammetry 1.6.19. – Aerospace research of the Earth, photogrammetry (technical sciences)
3 Cartography and geoinformatics 25.00.33 – Cartography (technical sciences)
25.00.35 – Geoinformatics (technical sciences)
4 Land management, cadastre and land monitoring 1.6.15. Land management, cadastre and land monitoring (technical sciences)
5 Optical and electronic devices and complexes 2.2.6. Optical and Optoelectronic Devices and Complexes (technical sciences)
6 Metrology and metrological support 2.2.10. Metrology and metrological support (technical sciences)