
  1. The editors of the journal “Vestnik SGUGiT” accepts only the papers which have not ever been published in any printed or electronic editions. The author does not have right to offer the manuscript to any other editions before the editors’ decision about publication.
  1. The content of the work must be public opened. Any classification label will be the reason for rejection of the material for open publication.
  1. The papers are submitted to the editors in electronic view.
  1. The paper that complies with journal topics and meets publication requirements is registered by layout editor in the entry register with indication of entry date, headline, name and place of work of author (authors). The paper is assigned individual registration number for the purposes of its further review.
  1. The notification of authors that materials have been received is sent back to the author within 3-days time from the moment of receiving.
  1. The paper is accepted to editors’ consideration only on condition that it meets paper submission guidelines, available on journal site
  1. Scientific paper, entered to the journal editors, is checked by layout editor whether it has complete set of represented documents and meets editors’ requirements, journal topics and submission guidelines. In case of non-compliance to the latter the paper can be sent back to author’s revision. The document package must contain:

– completed entry form;
– original text of the paper;
– paper recommendation;
– open access publication conclusion.

The mentioned above document list is obligatory. In case of absence of any of the documents the paper will not be considered by the editors.

Entry form for publication in the journal “Vestnik SGUGiT”

The completed entry form with author profile is sent in separate file in MS Word format (Entry form).

All the lines of the form must be filled in. Degrees, titles, as well as names of institutions must be written in full without contraction or abbreviation.

Original text of paper 

The text is submitted to editors in electronic view in MS Word format.

The paper must contain UDK, family name, first name, surname of author, full name and address of work/study place, science degree and academic title, work position, abstract, key words – all information both in Russian and English; paper text, reference list.

Paper recommendation

If the author is a student, a master’s student or a post-graduate, he/she must provide recommendation from his/her scientific advisor in any form either printed or electronic. The signature of scientific advisor must be approved by the stamp of the organization.

As additional information the author is given the possibility to inform the editors about up to five experts in the sphere of paper content providing a covering letter with their full names and contact information.

Open access publication conclusion

The signed open access publication conclusion is provided in printed or electronic form.

  1. File names

The name of all the files must begin with author’s family name and initials. Then goes the type of material: paper/entry form/recommendation/open access publication conclusion. The headline of the paper is not necessary.

Nikonov A.V. paper
Nikonov A.V. entry form
Nikonov A.V. recommendation
Nikonov A.V. open access publication conclusion

  1. Variants of paper submission.

To submit a paper to the editors you can use two variants: to sent complete package of documents by e-mail; to deliver complete package of documents to the editors’ office of the journal “Vestnik SGUGiT”on any electronic device (CD, flash memory).

  1. The address of the editors’ office of the journal “Vestnik SGUGiT”:

630108, Novosibirsk, Plahotnogo st., 10, room 436, tel.  (383)361-06-55, e-mail: