Editorial board

Editorial board members

Chief Editor:
Karpik A. P. – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Rector of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)343-39-37, e-mail: rektorat@ssga.ru, rector@ssga.ru

Chief Editor Deputies:

Lisickij Dmitrij Vital’evich – – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Director of SRI of strategic development, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)344-35-62, e-mail: dlis@ssga.ru

Ustavich Georgij Afanas’evich – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of Engineering Geodesy and Mine Engineering Department, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)343-29-55, e-mail: ystavich@mail.ru

Ajrapetjan Valerik Sergeevich – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Special Device, Innovatics and Metrology Department, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)361-04-82, e-mail: v.s.ayrapetyan@ssga.ru

Bajkov Konstantin Stanislavovich – Doctor of Biological Science, Senior Researcher, Central Siberian Botanic Garden of SB RAS, phone: +7(383)339-98-01, e-mail: kbaikov2017@mail.ru

Gienko Gennadij – Candidate of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Department of Geomatics, University of Anchorage, USA, e-mail: e-mail: ggienko@alaska.edu

Zlatanova Sisi – Professor, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, e-mail:s.zlatanova@unsw.edu.au

Komissarov Aleksandr Vladimirovich – Doctor of Technical Science, Docent, Head of Photogrammetry and Earth’s Remote Sensing Department, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)361-08-66, e-mail: avkom@mail.ru

Konečný Milan – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail: undatra@yahoo.com

Kopejkin Sergej Mihajlovich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science, Professor, University of Missouri, USA, e-mail: kopeikins@missouri.edu

Kravcov Jurij Vasil’evich. – Doctor of Biological Science, Professor, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, phone: +7(383)244-15-60, e-mail: kravtsov60@mail.ru

Levin Evgenij – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science, Docent, Engineering Geodesy Department, Michigan Technological University, USA, e-mail: eleven@mtu.edu

Mazurova Elena Mihajlovna – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Deputy Director of FSBI «Centre of Geodesy, Cartography and SDI», phone: +7(495)456-91-71, e-mail: e_mazurova@mail.ru

Pohilenko Nikolaj Petrovich Academician of RAS, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Science, Chief Researcher of Geology and Mineralogy Institute Of Siberian Department of RAS, phone: +7(383)333-21-08, e-mail: chief@uiggm.nsc.ru

Romanovskij Oleg Anatol’evich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science, Head of Scientific educational centre, Institute of atmospherical optics SB RAS, phone: +7(913)868-42-94, e-mail: roa@iao.ru

Sizov Aleksandr Pavlovich Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Cadastre and Land Law Fundamentals Department, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, phone: +7(499)404-12-20, e-mail: kiozp@miigaik.ru


Timofeev Vladimir Jur’evich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Physical Problems of Geophysics, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Science, e-mail: TimofeevVY@ipgg.sbras.ru

Tolstikov Aleksandr Sergeevich – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Department of State service of Time, Frequency and Determination of Earth’s Rotation Parameters FSUE “Siberian State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute of Metrology”, Novosibirsk, phone: +7(383)210-11-85, e-mail: tolstikov@mail.ksu.ru

Trubina Ljudmila Konstantinovna – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Ecology and Land Management Department, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)361-09-11, e-mail: lab.ite@ssga.ru

Horoshilov Valerij Stepanovich – Doctor of Technical Science, Docent, Professor, Cosmic and Physical Department, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, phone: +7(383)361-01-59, e-mail: reiner.jaeger@web.de

Chuguj Jurij Vasil’evich – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Scientific director of the Design and Technological Institute of Scientific Instrumentation, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Science, phone: +7(383)306-61-93, e-mail: chugui@tdisie.nsc.ru

Shapovalov Dmitrij Anatol’evich – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Vice Rector on Scientific and Innovative Activity, State University of Land Management, phone: +7(499)261-94-09, e-mail: shapovalov_ecology@mail.ru

Jepov Mihail Ivanovich – Academician of RAS, Doctor of Technical Science, Chief Researcher of Trofimuk Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics Institute Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Science, phone: +7(383)330-13-81, e-mail: epovMI@ipgg.sbras.ru

Jaeger Reiner Rudolf – Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, University of Applied Science, Karlsruhe, Germany, e-mail: reiner.jaeger@web.de