Publishing ethics

The journal "Vestnik SGUGiT" adheres to the generally accepted norms of ethics of scientific publications, based on the following documents:

  1. Code of conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – Committee on Publication Ethics;
  1. Publishing Ethics, Publicshing Ethics Resource Kit – Elsevier;
  1. Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications of the Non–profit Partnership "Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications" - ;
  1. Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on the Integrity of Scientific Research (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010);
  1. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 70 "Copyright").

In the publishing process, the editorial board of the journal is guided by the following rules:

  • ensure compliance with state standards and prevent conflicts of interest;
  • to prevent the publication of works for which there are sufficient grounds to believe that they contain plagiarism, have no scientific value, do not correspond to the profile of the journal and its editorial policy;
  • do not discriminate when evaluating the materials submitted by the authors;
  • do not arbitrarily correct the author's text, after editing, coordinate with the authors the final version of the article;
  • ensure the involvement of objective and competent reviewers;
  • respect the confidentiality of the submitted articles: do not use the materials received for publication for transfer to third parties or for personal purposes, without the consent of the authors;
  • be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies if necessary.

In the publishing process, reviewers are guided by the following rules:

  • do not use unpublished data obtained from materials submitted for review in personal research without the author's consent;
  • comply with the review deadlines set by the editorial board;
  • notify the editorial staff of the journal and ask to be excluded from the review process if the reviewer understands that he does not have sufficient qualifications to review the materials or does not have enough time to complete the work in a timely manner;
  • treat any material received for review as a confidential document, do not disclose its contents and do not discuss it with any persons other than the editorial staff of the journal who submitted the material for review;
  • to give an objective, reasoned and correct assessment of the presented research results.

In the publishing process, authors are guided by the following rules:

  • to ensure the novelty, reliability and originality of the results of independent or collective research, to make out all borrowings from other sources with the exact indication of the author and the original source;
  • ensure that the article is published for the first time and has not been previously published or sent to another journal;
  • do not allow plagiarism in any form — from presenting someone else's work as an author's work to copying or paraphrasing essential parts of someone else's work (without attribution) and to claiming your own rights to the results of someone else's research;
  • include among the co-authors all persons who have made a significant contribution to the conduct of the study, in creating conditions for obtaining a high-quality result;
  • observe the rules of self-citation, namely: if the elements of the material were previously published in another article, including in the journal "Vestnik SGUGiT", the author is obliged to refer to an earlier work and indicate the significant difference between the new work and the previous one. Verbatim copying of one's own works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable, they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions. In accordance with the international ethics of scientific publications, authors are recommended to observe the degree of self-citation in the range of 0-10%;
  • cooperate with the editorial staff of the journal to improve, shorten or supplement their article in accordance with the comments of the reviewer, as well as to correct these inaccuracies;
  • notify the editorial board of the journal of the discovery of significant errors or omissions in the article at the stage of its review or after its publication.