
The peer-reviewed periodical scientific and practical journal “Vestnik SGUGiT” publishes scientific articles and scientific reviews on modern problems of geodesy and cartography, remote sensing and geoinformatics, cadastre and environmental management, optometry and metrology, other branches of knowledge representing the main subject area of scientific and educational activities of the university and the dissertation councils of the Higher Attestation Commission working with it. Formatting of the articles submitted to the journal should strictly comply with the requirements below.

1. Main requirements

1.1. The article should be submitted to the editorial office of the journal on one side of a standard A4 sheet, as well as in an electronic version (on electronic media or by e-mail:

1.2. The article should be carefully verified by the author. The author is responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the facts, quotations, geographical names, proper names and other information provided.

1.3. The article should be signed by the author (if there are several authors, all co-authors).

1.4. The article is accompanied by the author’s application for publication in the journal, a conclusion on the possibility of open publication.

1.5. The article of the applicant, graduate student should obligatory be accompanied by the review of the supervisor.

1.6. The full volume of the article with information about the authors, annotation, text, tables and other illustrative material, bibliographic list should be from 5 to 16 pages, taking into account the following requirements.

1.7. Scientific terminology, designations, units of measurement, symbols used in the article must strictly comply with the requirements of state standards.

1.8. References to literature are placed in square brackets. The bibliographic list is drawn up strictly in accordance with GOST 7.05–2008 “Bibliographic reference”. The use of footnotes (footnotes) is not allowed. If necessary, additional information is given in brackets in the text.

2. Requirements to the text document

2.1. Text material should be typed in Microsoft Word 2013-2019, in format .doc, .docx.

2.2. Margins: left, right, top and bottom – 20 mm each, paragraph indentation – 10 mm, width alignment.

2.3. Hyphenation is automatic.

2.4. It is necessary to number the pages in order.

2.5. It is not allowed to use selections in the text of the article (bold, italics, underscores, etc.).

2.6. Order of article constituents:

  • UDK;
  • In Russian and English:

  • headline;
  • information about the authors: full name, patronymic, surname, full name of the place of work, its postal address, academic degree, academic title, position, phone, email address;
  • article extract;
  • key words.

2.7. The title of the article is typed in capital letters (Arial font, size – 12). The abstract and keywords are typed in Times New Roman font, size – 12. The abstract includes a description of the main topic, the problems of the object, the goals of the work and its results. The annotation indicates what is new in this document in comparison with others related in subject and purpose. The average volume of the annotation is at least 800 printed characters (from 100 words). Keywords are selected from the text of the published material. The English translation of the abstract should be an independent text, not its literal translation.

2.8. Then – the main text of the article, bibliographic list, including at least 25 sources, including publications of SSUGiT (SGGA), Niigaik, foreign specialized educational and scientific institutions.

2.9. The font size of the main text of the article is 14 pt, the type is Times New Roman, the line spacing is one and a half.

3. Tables and illustrations

3.1. . Dimensions of tables, diagrams, drawings: width – 8.25 cm or 17 cm; height – no more than 20 cm. It is unacceptable to use tables, diagrams, and drawings in landscape format.

3.2. The illustrations given in the article must be of high quality with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, clear, well-readable, without defects and presented in one file with the text of the article. It is not allowed to use background drawings and fills in diagrams, tables.

3.3. The diagrams must be performed in Word using a canvas container (insert/shapes/new canvas). It is unacceptable to use SmartArt objects to create diagrams and diagrams. Diagrams created in Excel or PowerPoint should be inserted as a drawing. The use of linked files is not allowed.

3.4. The names and numbers of the figures are indicated under the figures, the names and numbers of the tables – above the tables. Tables and figures should be placed in the text after paragraphs containing references to them.

3.5. Verbal inscriptions and numbers in illustrations should have a font size of 12 pt. The letters of the Latin alphabet are given in italics, Russian and Greek, as well as numbers and mathematical symbols — in a straight font. The inscriptions in the drawings can be replaced with numbers (italics), and the necessary explanations can be given in the caption.

4. Formulas

4.1. Mathematical and chemical formulas should be typed only in the MathType formula editor with the following dimensions:

  • main (usual) font – 12 pt;
  • indexes – 9 pt, small indexes – 8 pt;
  • symbols – 14 pt.

4.2. Letters of the Greek and Russian alphabets, numbers, trigonometric functions, as well as some designations of mathematical quantities (sin, cos, const, max, min, etc.) and units of measurement are typed (mm, W, %, oS, etc.) in a direct font.

Latin letters – in italics. Bold font is used only when selecting vectors and matrices.

4.3. Only those formulas to which there are further references in the text are numbered. The ordinal numbers of formulas should be indicated by Arabic numerals in brackets at the right edge of the text strip. It is recommended to use MathType tools to insert a formula with a number on the right (InsertEquations / Right-numbered).

We kindly request our authors to pay close attention to the requirements above. In case of non-compliance with these requirements, the editorial board of the journal does not accept the article for publication.