Description of journal remit

  • Geodesy and mine surveying:

 Basic topics:

  • creation of geodetic and mine surveying coordinate and time basis for different purposes;
  • geodetic navigation satellite systems and technologies;
  • development of principles, methods, technical means and technologies of geodetic and mine surveying measurements of engineering complexes;
  • geodetic support of research, design, construction and exploitation of engineering complexes;
  • theory and practice of mathematical processing of geodetic and mine surveying measurement results and information support of geodetic and mine surveying works;
  • design and marketing of geodetic and mine surveying works.
  • Remote sensing, photogrammetry

Basic topics:

  • theory, technology and technical means of bridging on aerospace photos, creating and updating topographic, ecological cadastral and other maps and plans;
  • theory and technology of image interpretation for the purpose of natural resources investigation and mapping;
  • theory and technology of getting quantitative characteristics of natural and technogenic processes.
  • Cartography and geoinformatics

Basic topics:

  • new methods of topographic and thematic maps design;
  • geoinformational mapping and information technologies;
  • thematic interpretation and methods of remote (aerospace) sensing;
  • technical means of collection, registration, storage, transmission and processing of geoinformation with use of information technology;
  • digital information bases and banks in different subject fields;
  • data base management systems;
  • interaction of geoinformatics, cartography and aerospace sensing.
  • Land management, cadastre and land monitoring

Basic topics:

  • development of land cadastral condition and real estate object;
  • scientific and methodological support of land estimation works;
  • estimate qualitative and quantitative constituents;
  • rational use of lands;
  • information support of modern land use;
  • city land use ecologization problems;
  • monitoring of lands and other real estate objects.
  • Optical and electronic devices and complexes

Basic topics:

  • design, development and investigation of characteristics of devices, systems and complexes with the use of electromagnetic emission of optic wave band, designed to solve the tasks:

– measurements of geometric and physical objects;

– investigation and control of different objects and environments parameters, including technological, ecological and biological tasks solutions;

– transmitting, receiving, processing and displaying information;

– technological equipment management and production processes control;

– design of optical and electro optical equipment for specific tasks, including scientific research.

  • Metrology and metrological support

Basic topics:

  • improvement of scientific-methodological, technical, economic and other fundamentals of metrological support;
  • improvement of the system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements
  • Methodology and organization of scientific research

Basic topics:

  • the problems of the contemporary scientific and technical revolution and transition to 5-6 technological structures;
  • criteria for assessing the development of society, science, engineering and technology.