Editorial policy

  • Correspondence of the paper to the profile and categories of the journal.
  • Correspondence of the materials to goals and objectives of the journal.
  • Publishing the scientific materials for target audience.
  • High level of reviewing.
  • Geographic variety of editors.
  • Geographic variety of authors.

The editorial policy of the journal is to create conditions for the publication and discussion of research innovative materials of Russian and foreign authors on a wide range of problems.

In its work Editorial office of the journal is guided by the principles of scientific character, objectivity, professionalism, information support of the most significant pedagogical and professional innovative research, respect of publishing ethics.

The “Vestnik of SSUGT” publishes research manuscripts in the field of sciences about Earth 25.00.00, physical and mathematical sciences 01.00.00, technical science 05.00.00.

Authors – foreign and Russian scientists, university teachers, representatives of business community, leading specialists, doctoral candidates, graduate and undergraduates students.

Target audience: university teachers and students, researchers, heads of federal and regional authorities, analytical divisions of the large enterprises.

Key goal of the “Vestnik of SSUGT” is expansion of a communication field for publication, discussions and formations of an expert assessment of scientific ideas, covering of results of research activity of the Russian and foreign scientists, assistance to the development of basic and applied scientific research.

Objectives of the journal:

  • providing regularity of its release, increase the number of its subscribers;
  • improvement of quality of its web site in Russian and English languages;
  • guaranty of editorial ethics.
  • informing professional audience on the most noticeable scientific events in the professional environment (conferences, scientific seminars, discussions).
  • development of a national information resource for teaching technical, economic and humanitarian disciplines in Russia.
  • assistance to the development of the cooperation network and processes of integration in the field of theoretical, empirical and applied research via the translation and publication of the results of priority projects.

The Journal is issued in a printed form with frequency of four volumes per a year and has its full text electronic version that is published on its web site and in the Scientific Electronic Library (SEL).

The printed version of the Journal is distributed on a subscription basis by “JSC Publishing house “Economic Newspaper” (subscription index in the “Press of Russia” Catalogue − 43809) and is delivered through the Russian book chamber.

Activity of the journal is guided by its editor-in-chief and an editorial board.

Editorial office of the journal performs organizing work on its issues, acceptance, registration, keeping of articles and accompanying them materials, carrying out reviewing; controls of the materials coming to edition and established requirements, including registration of metadata, organizes translation of metadata into English, distribution of the journal, organization of subscription, controls the requirements of manuscript registration.

Preparation of the publishing version of the journal (editing, correction, and electronic layout) is carried out by publishing department of the university.

The Journal accepts for publication scientific articles and reviews, announcements about conferences, seminars, work of dissertation councils, scientific schools etc.  When preparing issues of the journal the priority is given to representatives of various scientific schools, industry, doctoral candidates and graduate students of SSUGT and its academic, scientific and business partners.

The materials presented for publication in the journal should meet the requirements to papers. Editorial office reserves the right reject those manuscripts that do not meet the requirements of the journal.

Manuscripts, coming to the journal, are reviewed by experts. By the results of reviewing the editorial board and editor-in-chief make the decision on expediency of the publication of material.

The author can study the text of the review. If the reviewer makes some recommendations, the paper is sent to the author to completion.

In case of disagreement with opinion of the reviewer the paper can be sent for second blind reviewing.

The author and editorial board have to sign the license agreement on transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the paper to be printed in the journal.

The author’s point of view does not necessarily coincide with the position of editorial board. Authors of articles are responsible for accuracy of the provided information, quotations, references and list of used literature.