Editot in chief

Autobiography of the editor-in-chief of the “Vestnik of SSUGT”

The editor-in-chief of the journal “Vestnik of SSUGT” is the rector of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies.

Karpik A.P. is a well-known specialist in the field of applied geodesy, information systems and cadastre; expert in the field of geodetic support of a sustainable development of territories. He is the author of priority development in use of GPS technologies for reconstruction of special geodetic networks and observation over deformations of hydraulic engineering constructions; information technologies at creation of digital cards, cadastre and GIS for municipal management.

He is the author of more than 250 scientific works, including more than 10 educational and methodical manuals, 2 manuals with a stamp of UMO, monograph and new scientific field “Information Geodetic Support”. A number of candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended under his supervision.

Having an active public position, Karpik A.P. is the member of: Coordination Council of Interregional Association “Siberian Agreement” (IASA) on regulation of land and property relations in Siberian Federal District; International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education; Interregional Association of Heads of Enterprises; International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; International Federation of Surveyors; Russian Union of Rectors;Council of Rectors of Novosibirsk Region; Council on Communications and Informatization at Administration of Novosibirsk Region; Council on Scientific, Industrial and Innovation Policy of Novosibirsk, Advisory Council of the Highest Certifying Commission on Construction and Architecture.

For many years Karpik A.P. has been one of organizers of the largest international forum “Interexspo GEO-Siberia” whose participants are leading scientific and industrial companies producing up-to-date geodetic equipment and the software, leading universities of Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel, Australia and China. The forum is the largest in Russia and the world’s second centre of collective use uniting experts and scientists in the field of geodesy, cadastre, geoinformatics, remote sensing, mining, oil and gas production. Active scientific position of A.P. Karpik promoted wide international recognition of his development. He made reports at the international forums held in China, South Korea, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

Karpik A.P. is one of authors of a new scientific “Research of Essence and Development of Theoretical Base, Methodology and Technologies of Creation, Maintaining and Use of Electronic Geospace” for providing such strategic fields and programs of modernization of Russia as: “Electronic Russia”, “Electronic State”, and “Information Society”. The new scientific school was founded in 2010 and has wide international and Russian recognition.

For his contribution to the development of production, scientific and educational activity Karpik A.P. was awarded by Certificates of Honour of Novosibirsk City Hall, Administration and Regional Council of Novosibirsk Region, departmental awards: breastplate “Excellence in Geodesy and Cartography”, “Honourable Surveyor” and “Honourable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation”. In 2011 by the decree of the Russian President he was awarded an honorary title “The Honoured Worker of the Higher Education of the Russian Federation”. Karpik A.P. is the winner of the state award of Novosibirsk Region.